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Change Excerpt Length For All Loops In WordPress Code Example

WordPress has a built-in filter named excerpt_length which has the role to set the excerpt length for all the loops. Simply…

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Add Custom Class To Post Images In WordPress Code Snippet

Here is how you can apply conditionally a CSS class to link elements which contain images embedded into posts. Just add…

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How To Sanitise In WordPress But Keep Html Code Snippet

wp_kses() will do the sanitization of html output but keep the html. While using wp_kses you need to tell it what…

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How To Use Jquery Wrapper In WordPress, JS Code Example

WordPress has its own version of the jQuery library and using $ operator will end up with js errors in your…

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Get The Width And Height Of The Viewport With Vanilla Js, Code Example

Let’s look at how to get the height and width of the viewport using Vanilla JS. We can use window.innerHeight to…

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